Coverall Franchise Business Owners make use of refillable spray bottles and reusable cleaning products like color-coded microfiber cloths versus single-use paper towels. These products offer a less wasteful solution than paper or other disposable products and reduce environmental impact. Additionally, the microfiber cloths pick up and hold much more dust, dirt and debris than any paper product, providing an overall healthier clean.
Our no-dip flat mops only use the necessary amount of water to get the job done, so we waste less, conserve more and reduce cross-contamination.
The HEPA backpack vacuums used by Coverall Franchise Business Owners reduce indoor air pollution by keeping dirt, dust and other allergens inside the vacuum with filters that block 99.97% of those pollutants compared to only 40% blocked by non-HEPA units. With a non-HEPA unit, the remaining 60% of particles remaining reenter the environment.