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A Cleaning Checklist to Save Time for Facility Managers

They say time is money and that adage couldn’t be more applicable than in the manufacturing industry. Every time the production line slows, or your attention gets pulled away from your primary responsibilities, money is lost. Overseeing the daily operations of a workplace like a factory or manufacturing plant comes with many responsibilities and your to-do list can seem endless. As a facility manager, cleaning tasks are usually not at the top of that list.

Since you don’t have time to spare, hiring a professional commercial cleaning service can let you focus on the work that really matters. Talk to a professional commercial cleaning service to tackle the following checklist of tasks – so you don’t have to.



Doing your part to help keep employees healthy is crucial to keeping your facility running and productive. Eliminating germs, especially the virus that causes COVID-19, is an ongoing job where you and your commercial cleaning company can partner for best results. Breakrooms and other shared spaces require special attention. Also prioritize high touch areas like door handles, light switches, elevator buttons and shared computer terminals. A reputable commercial cleaning company should conduct a walkthrough of your space with you, so together you can identify all the hidding places for germs in the workplace.
Enlist a commercial cleaning company that employs correct cleaning and sanitizing protocols based on CDC recommendations. Ensure that they use EPA-registered cleaning products and that they clean and sanitize all key areas with the frequency you agree upon. While the professionals handle the heavy lifting, you may still require employees to wipe down items they touch after each use.



Factories and manufacturing facilities tend to get extremely dusty during day-to-day activities. Shelves, surfaces and even the back office can be exposed to the particles. It’s not just unsightly, but it can also impact the wellbeing of employees if they have allergies or are sensitive to dust. There is even some evidence that dust particles can carry viruses. When you have a professional commercial cleaning service that pays close attention to dust, you and your employees can pay close attention to other details such as production output, invoicing and quality assurance.



It’s important to maintain employee changing rooms because it’s where workers start and end their days. Providing a clean and orderly space boosts employee morale and helps minimize the spread of germs. Have a professional commercial cleaning service wipe down the lockers, benches or door handles in the facility changing rooms with products approved to kill pathogens. You may also wish to stock changing rooms with wipes and hand sanitizer that employees can use themselves.



Nobody likes taking the trash out at the end of the day. It’s one more thing your employees have to do instead of their core tasks, which could result in a decline in production. Letting trash pile up can create messes, unpleasant smells and the danger of trash cans falling over, creating wet or hazardous conditions. A great solution is to hire a professional commercial cleaning service to ensure trash bins are emptied at the end of a day or shift. Your employees can focus on their work and you can focus on meeting production goals.


As a facility manager, you know a clean, debris-free factory floor helps prevent accidents. You also know factory floors sometimes need special care like polishing, buffing or waxing. A well-maintained floor can improve the whole feel of a factory or warehouse – making a good impression on potential and current clients – and even prolong the life of your floors. Don’t spend valuable staff time having employees give special care to floors when you could hire a commercial cleaning company with the correct equipment and expertise to really make factory floors shine. 

Call Coverall to get a professional commercial cleaning quote for your facility. The Coverall® System goes deeper to create cleaner, healthier work environments and establishes new standard for high-quality commercial cleaning services.

Posted: 5/6/2019 12:00:00 PM by Stephen Massaro | with 0 comments