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How To Maintain Floors With Grout

Your business’s floors are subject to daily wear-and-tear from foot traffic that — without proper care — wears them down over time. Not only can the look of worn-down tiles and dirty grout negatively impact your business’s image, but the faster they diminish in quality, the sooner they’ll need to be replaced, which is a costly undertaking.

Let’s discuss some key floor maintenance measures you can implement to help keep tiles and grout looking their best while preserving their longevity.

Floor Maintenance Tips

Maintaining clean floors can be a challenge if your business sees significant traffic. However, there are several helpful steps you can take to keep high-traffic floors looking their best. Here are some easy tips to incorporate into your floor cleaning routines.

Vacuum and Mop Regularly

Routine vacuuming and mopping are essential for keeping tile and grout looking good. Incorporating these services on a daily basis helps remove dirt and grime from tile surfaces and porous grout so they don’t become difficult-to-clean build-ups or cause long-term damage later on. 

Depending on where you live, daily vacuuming and mopping can also help combat seasonal environmental impacts, from the obvious — rain, snow or mud that gets tracked inside or leaves and other debris that blows in — to the more discreet, such as water that’s settled into grouts or rock salt that’s scratching tiles.

Place Mats or Rugs Over High-Traffic Floors

Not all parts of your floors will experience the same volume of foot traffic as others. For particularly busy areas of your business like entrances and exits, lobbies, common areas or similar spots that employees, visitors and guests would be required to pass through, you always have the option to place a mat or rug on the floor. Not only can these provide a nice decorative touch, but they help block onslaughts of dirt and debris from settling on the tile and grout in these areas. What’s more, mats and rugs are easier to both clean and replace.

If you choose this route to shield your floors from the impacts of high foot traffic, be sure mats and rugs are laid flat so they don’t become a tripping hazard or get caught by a door.

Seek Out Dedicated, Professional Floor and Grout Cleaning

Seasonal cleaning is an important part of keeping your floors looking their best. At least twice a year — although the more frequent, the better — you should be getting preventative maintenance care for your grout and tile. While everyday vacuuming and mopping can help maintain the look of your floors day-to-day, some dirt build-up beyond that is inevitable. Over time, this can permanently diminish the look and quality of your floors. 

With targeted grout and tile cleaning services from a professional floor cleaning company, you can get your floors looking like new and extend their lifespan. Highly trained professionals will typically use advanced tools and protocols to burnish and machine scrub, which specifically target long-term dirt build-ups.

Why Professional Floor Cleaning Services Are a Good Investment

Professional floor cleaning services are a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to maintain clean and attractive floors, especially those with tile and grout. In-house cleaning services typically are not enough to keep your business looking its best, but a professional commercial cleaning service has the equipment, expertise and staff to clean your floors efficiently.

Additionally, attempting to handle all of your floor cleaning in-house can come with several downsides. These include inconsistent results, potential damage due to incorrect cleaning methods and even health risks for guests and staff.

Trust Coverall® for Premium Floor and Grout Cleaning Services

For effective floor cleaning, look no further than Coverall. Whether it’s everyday vacuuming and mopping or more involved preventative tile and grout care that you need, we can be there to deliver spotless floors that look great and last long. To receive a free quote for your facility, contact us today. A member of our team will reach out and can develop a tailored floor maintenance program for your business.

Posted: 5/19/2023 12:00:00 AM by Nicole Ivey | with 0 comments