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Avoid Spreading Germs With Professional School Cleaning

Dirty schools may be to blame for a child's next cold, fever or stomach ache. Between superficial cleaning efforts and germ-filled surfaces, students getting sick — and passing it onto their educators or taking it home to their families — is all too common.

Per the CDC, children have more contact with others, breathe faster than adults and are more likely to put their hands in their mouths, which can all introduce infections into their less-developed immune systems. This is why a household with children typically sees its inhabitants sick more often throughout the year than childless households.

But because kids will be kids and proper hand-washing isn’t always a guarantee, the responsibility of minimizing the spread of germs in your institution comes down to the quality of your routine commercial cleaning services.

Let’s take a look at the impacts of a dirty school, which areas require the most cleaning attention and what highly effective educational facility cleaning should entail.

Understanding the Importance of School Cleanliness

Aside from the obvious fact that no one wants to get sick, a dirty school can lead to more severe ramifications long-term. Per the ISSA, chronic student absences can contribute to a poor quality of education and increase the likelihood of dropouts. In addition, faculty absences are reported to cost schools more than $25 billion annually, while the substitutes needed to cover for absent teachers cost $4 billion annually.


With consistent, powerful cleaning that eliminates germs, you can help reduce illness-related absences among students, faculty and staff, in turn minimizing long-term academic and financial repercussions.

Common Germ Hotspots in Schools

It seems nearly impossible for students to avoid germs, no matter where they are in school. Bathrooms, classrooms, the cafeteria, the gym and the nurse’s office, for example, are some of the germiest places in schools, and frequently touched surfaces within them should be prioritized by your cleaning provider. These include:

  • Water fountains, with spigots alone housing an average 2.7 million bacteria per inch

  • Sinks, which house an average of 32,000 bacteria per inch

  • Computer keyboards, which house an average of 3,300 bacteria per inch

  • Toilet seats, which house an average of 3,200 bacteria per inch

  • And more, such as door handles, stairway railings, desks and shared supplies

What to Look for in a Professional School Cleaning Provider

Oftentimes, the cleanliness of a space or surface is defined by how it looks, giving microscopic, illness-spreading bacteria that aren’t visible to the naked eye a free pass to stick around. And stick around they will! Cold and flu viruses can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours, while other bacteria can live on surfaces for months. Simple dusting, vacuuming and trash removal can help achieve a clean look, but to eliminate germs, you need daily disinfecting and sanitizing as well.

At Coverall®, that’s exactly what our Core 4® Cleaning Process delivers. Built on CDC and AORN standards, we provide routine janitorial services using hospital-grade disinfectants and highly effective tools, including color-coded microfiber cloths that trap and remove 99% of bacteria and dirt while preventing germ spread, no-dip flat mops that clean floors while minimizing cross-contamination and HEPA backpack vacuums that capture 99% of dust and other airborne particles, improving air quality.

Get Started with Coverall Today

Coverall works with thousands of schools to provide everyday cleaning services that help eradicate germs, protect student and faculty health and, ultimately, enhance the academic experience. Get a free education cleaning quote today for a cleaner, healthier school environment tomorrow!
Posted: 6/20/2023 10:28:18 AM by Nicole Ivey | with 0 comments